Clinics We Offer
Some clinics are suspended due to the current covid pandemic.
Ante-Natal Clinic - every Tuesday and Thursday morning. Appointments can be made by contacting the midwife.
Booking Clinic - Appointments made by the Patient via Centralised Booking.
Immunisation Clinic – Mondays and Tuesdays in the Community wing, by appointment only.
Well Baby Clinic - Friday at Bathgate PCC 09:30 – 12:00.
Paediatric Clinic - Thursday mornings at the Practice by appointment only.
Diabetic Clinic - Patients will be asked to make an appointment with the Practice Nurse and then with a GP in person or by telephone around 10 days later. This is to review results and discuss any changes to treatment that might be needed.
Asthma Clinic – asthma patients will be invited to attend for review by the Practice Nurse. A doctor is available for consultation as required.
Smoking Cessation Clinic - There are various clinics run throughout West Lothian which patients can self-refer to. Further details are available in the Practice.
Other Health Promotion Activities - well person check-ups, weight review, cervical smears, HRT advice, pill review etc. These are all offered by the practice nurse. To make an appointment contact the practice receptionist (01506 654444).
Minor Surgery - If you think you require this service, please make an appointment with a GP who will arrange if appropriate.
Over 75 Checks - The practice no longer routinely invites patients for this check, although the Practice Nurse will carry this out on an annual basis at a patient’s request.
Other Services In The Primary Care Centre
- Speech Therapy
- Dentist
- Young Persons Advisory Clinic
- Chiropody
- Physiotherapy
- Marriage Guidance
- Some Outpatient Clinics
- Sexual Health
- Family Planning
Physiotherapy appointments are made after referral by a GP or by self-referral.
All other appointments can be made at the community reception desk.